I started here: I LOVE this book by Geta Grama - she has beautiful pictures, excellent information and many samples to drool over.
So I choose a large design (so my first attempt might be successful) and traced the design onto some paper.
I set my machine up like I would to FMQ -- using my my Supreme Slider and my FMQ foot. I changed my threads to white (I didn't have any water soluable to use) and put on my Machingers. I started sewing through all three layers in a very small stitch (to cut the paper as I went)...
The Accident Report - : ( |
The rest is history...
The back side of my slider once I removed it from the machine |
A view from the top - after I had ripped a few stitches |
Oh goodness Karen -- way too late at night to be using technology! LOL |
Thank goodness my husband bought me a new QUEEN Supreme Slider for Christmas !! |
Lesson Learned. Always clean your slider with Water and Mild Detergent before you put it down...
Silly me !
Hugs all !
Oh no! I am also paranoid, so I put painter's tape around a few edges (and the corners) to make sure it doesn't slide or fold over.