
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Work In Progress Wednesday

I'm happy to report that my 2nd attempt at Shadow Trapunto went much slightly better than the first attempt!    For a good laugh -- you can see the first attempt here

Now, onto my 2nd attempt -- I'm using the technique called out in Geta Grama's book "Shadow Trapunto Quilts" -- see her blog here and her most awesome book here...

I decided for my first second attempt to make a larger design - so I pulled the design from Hari Walner's book "Continuous Line Quilting Designs".  

Lessons Learned:
1.  My batting was not thick enough -- my fabric showed through the batting  -- I used a cheap med loft poly from Joann Fabric -- I'll use something thicker next time!

2.  I DID NOT have any water soluble thread on hand, so I used "regular old thread" in top and bobbin (how do we spell M-I-S-T-A-K-E!)

3. The paper that I traced my design on was TOO Thick!  next time, pick up the tracing paper that Geta recommends in her book!

Anyhow - for my first attempt and considering MY MISTAKES -- I was happy with the outcome...

I still have to trim and bind -- and although it's not perfect -- it's a keeper - a one of a kind (for sure) .. hahaha.

One thing is for sure -- this technique, if done properly can produce some stunning results.

Take a look at the wonderful things that Geta makes using this method!

Thanks for stopping by.

Linking up to Esthers' & Lee's WIP Wednesday!  and to Leah's Free Motion Friday !!

Thanks Geta for a great book, great tips and most awesome projects! 


  1. Wow! It looks wonderful. Enjoyed your first try as well.

  2. I think this looks wonderful, too. I also learned a lot about something I knew nothing about just by reading your blog. Thanks for sharing. Maybe I will be brave enough to try this sometime ... :) Pat

  3. Excellent first attempt! I like it so much!

  4. I had a nice chuckle about your trap unto adventure. I think you are brave to even try it. Love how it turned out. I just ordered a Supreme slider to do more FMQ I can stipple but not much else, so I have registered at a couple of on line classes. One with Wendy Shephard, her blog is Ivory Spring in case you have not heard about her. She is amazing on her domestic machine. Thanks for your comment on my blog. I know you could do those roosters. They are fused and then straight stitched around, I still have to stitch them.

  5. I think you did great! Now can we see the whole quilt?

  6. Karen, thanks for walking us through!

  7. You are doing great...I love what you have done. Great to hear the steps you went through :) and I will check out those pages - thankyou.

  8. Stunning! Thanks so much for sharing your tips. The quilting is beautiful.

  9. Thank you for linking to my party, Karen; I love that you tried the technique with what you had at hand. Beautiful work!
