
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Work In Progress On Wednesday - WOW

I couldn't be more excited !!   Cindy called Monday afternoon from SewItIs to tell me she had completed the quilting on the "Horse Quilt" !!  Perfect timing to get it trimmed, binding cut, and machine sewing done!!  I'm working on it now -- Here are a few shots...   

If you haven't heard the story -- in the last 12 months we've had to part with two very special horse friends that I've had for 30 years (my entire adult life) -- Chief and Nuisance.

I bought the fabric a year ago, when we lost Nuisance - and a year later, when we lost Chief, I began piecing it. (I had helpers... thanks Debbie and Janet -- love you both...).

The fabric is flannel -- many are Marcus -- although there are some Moda and others mixed in as well. 

I choose the colors because they reminded me of the richness and beauty of our beloved Roan horse friends.

If you click on the picture (above), you can see the wonderful job that Cindy at SewItIs did quilting it -- thank you Cindy.

I love the back of this quilt as much as the front -- thankfully our friends at Material Rewards had enough backing in their stash for me to finish the quilt !!  

Only choice left now is the color of the binding -- DH likes the brown -- but I think this time we're stepping outside of our comfort box and going with the GOLD !!  What do you think ?

Happy Wednesday all -  enjoying a beautifully sunny and warm day here in UpState New York.

Linking up to Esther's WIP on Wednesday - WOW !!




  1. Hi Karen! Your horse quilt is beautiful. I love the rich colors! Gold would be a wonderful for the binding!

  2. Ooo I love the panto that's on it! I like the gold, too. ;D

  3. Your quilt is wonderful! The rich colors are beautiful! And the quilting
    looks so nice. I am going to let you decide on the binding because you
    have done a great job so far! Can't wait to see it.

  4. Olá Karen, adorei seus trabalhos!

    Te desejo muito sucesso....

    Dalva Lima


  5. So sorry for your loss. Gold would be my choice.

  6. I think this backing really compliments the front! I've been attracted to the large scale prints for backs. :) Yours confirms I need to give this a try!
